OLT – Dyspraxia and Motor Coordination Difficulties

Learning Focus
Disability and Accessibility
Online / Self-paced
Start Date

Available anytime

By clicking ‘EOI – OLT – Dyspraxia and Motor Coordination Difficulties’ you will register an Expression of Interest in the next available course, and you will be placed on a waitlist.

Please express an interest in NO MORE THAN TWO OLT courses at a time.

Program Description

This course looks at the impact that Motor Coordination Difficulties (MCD) can have on a student’s life and shows how you can make your classroom and practice more inclusive for these students. You will learn how to further understand their needs and develop a range of strategies to improve learning outcomes.

Learn about the characteristics and range of impairments associated with motor coordination difficulties, and understand the difficulties students can have in planning and carrying out movement. Experience what it may feel like to have motor coordination difficulties.

Assessment for Learning
Explore the main types and purposes of assessment, and using checklists to carry out observations. Understand how and when to refer children to multi-professional teams for motor assessment.

Explore a range of strategies to enable students to build and master motor skills, and modify tasks and the learning environment to help them succeed. Recognise the importance of making reasonable adjustments in social and sporting activities to maximise the inclusion of these students.

Case Studies
View real video examples that illustrate the needs of the individual, the interventions implemented and their resulting progress.

Program Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise and describe the main features of motor learning difficulties
  • Describe, using correct terminology, the difficulties students can have in planning and carrying out movement
  • Identify the characteristics and range of impairments associated with motor coordination difficulties
  • Refer children for motor assessment to the appropriate multi-professional teams
  • Use checklists to carry out observations of a child’s motor skills
  • Apply a graduated response to meeting the needs of students with motor difficulties, using the assess, plan, do review cycle
  • Employ strategies that enable students to build and master motor skills
  • Modify tasks, alter expectations and change the classroom environment to help students meet with success
  • Make reasonable adjustments in social and sporting activities to maximise the inclusion of students with motor difficulties
  • Set SMART goals and implement strategies for improving outcomes
Australian Professional Standards


  • Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn,
  • Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning,
  • Standard 4 – Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments,
  • Standard 6 – Engage in professional learning,
  • Standard 7 – Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community


  • Leading teaching and learning,
  • Developing self and others,
  • Leading improvement, innovation and change
Location, Date & Time

The program is delivered Online as a self-paced course

Enrolment is open as an Expression of Interest. Successful candidates will be contacted and sent a link to the Online Training Australia course platform.